Anime Card Rarity Codes

Anime Card Rarity Codes
229 Players
8 Active Codes

Anime Card Rarity is a Roblox experience created by Old snowflake studio on August 3, 2024.

Here are all the working Anime Card Rarity codes:
/code 5KLIKE
5x Lucky Potions, 2x Lucky Potion 2, 1x Lucky Potion 3
/code 4KLIKE
5x Lucky Potions, 2x Lucky Potion 2, 1x Lucky Potion 3
/code 3KLIKE
5x Lucky Potions, 2x Lucky Potion 2, 1x Lucky Potion 3
/code 2KLIKE
5x Lucky Potions, 2x Lucky Potion 2, 1x Lucky Potion 3
/code WUKONG
5x Lucky Potions, 2x Lucky Potion 2, 1x Lucky Potion 3
/code 1KLIKE
5x Lucky Potions, 2x Lucky Potion 2, 1x Lucky Potion 3
/code 500LIKE
5x Lucky Potions, 2x Lucky Potion 2, 1x Lucky Potion 3
5x Lucky Potions, 2x Lucky Potion 2, 1x Lucky Potion 3
No Expired Codes Yet
How do I redeem Anime Card Rarity codes?
  1. Open Anime Card Rarity on Roblox.

  2. Open the in-game chat (press / on Keyboard).

  3. Paste the code into the chat box.

  4. Send the message to claim the reward.